
Supporting global education with technology

VICTVS is a company working in education and exam delivery all over the world.  We embrace the positive effects of well-designed education technology (Ed-Tech) and the benefits that this can bring to learners in every stage of education.

We deploy technical solutions in support of our global network of professional exam management staff, to help them deliver consistently high standards in all of their work.

Our in-house Dev Team develops our own Ed-Tech tools (including web and mobile device apps) to help us better understand and plan global exam programmes.

Innovative, intuitive solutions

VICTVS is a company built on innovation.

From data analytics systems that track a multitude of assessment-relevant data points from countries all over the world, to operational planning tools that make risk mitigation an integral and easy to manage part of all of our work, we actively challenge traditional approaches and seek out Ed-Tech enabled alternatives.

We understand the importance of usability.  Design and user experience are at the heart of all of our Ed-Tech solutions.  Ensuring that our tech is intuitive and easy to use, allows our staff and your candidates to concentrate on things that matter most to them.

People-focused Ed-Tech

VICTVS puts people first.

Technology (including Ed-Tech) should provide the tools that allow people to do their best work without creating unnecessary distractions or additional workload.

Our exam management technology, planning tools, mobile apps and reporting systems, are all designed with the needs of the human users first.

Through continual development cycles and integrations across our systems, we are creating a comprehensive suite of digital exam management tools.

Dedicated to worldwide learning

As a global company, we are experts in meeting the requirements of people from a vast range of social, language and cultural backgrounds.

We consider all these things when in the design phase of any of our Ed-Tech solutions – increasing international usability as standard.

We also make our Ed-Tech resources freely available to anyone working in assessment administration, to help support our industry and learners all over the world.

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