Exams Everywhere! Even at sea.

In recent years, VICTVS has delivered exams all over the world as a matter of routine.  We work everywhere – from tiny villages in the middle of the Sahara, to the largest cities in China.  Such is our commitment to accessibility and equity in education, that if we can help a learner take their assessment as and when they need to, then we will.

In addition to this, we are lucky enough to work with progressive clients who like to give us a challenge.  During the lockdowns, we used our technology and our global network to deliver high-stakes exams for our clients in all sorts of places, including safety qualifications on oil rigs in the Gulf, and school exams in countries affected by conflict.

And now we’re going nautical!

This week for the first time, VICTVS has delivered professional exams from on-board a barge travelling between locations on the west coast of Africa!

This unique delivery method has been developed to provide candidates with a cost-effective, practical means to take their exams, in locations that would otherwise find this very difficult.  The complex nature of and sheer scale of Africa means that keen learners often have to travel across state boundaries, often by aeroplane, just to reach an exam venue.  With VICTVS, we bring the exam venues to the learners!

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